From The Workshop
Those watching football are familiar with the phrase “running downhill.” It means shoulders squared, straight ahead, running full speed. So here we are running full speed into Lent headed for the goal line, Easter. Here are some dates and events:
Transfiguration Sunday, February 11
With the Gospel of Mark leading, Jesus takes three disciples to a mountain where he appears in radiance. In this apocalyptic moment giants from the Hebrew tradition, Moses and Elijah, join him. Then a cloud overshadowed them and they hear the Voice. The church has copies of the Lenten devotional, Walk Through the Wilderness.
Ash Wednesday, February 14
My Catholic cousins in Louisiana have been in Mardi Gras festivities for over a month with multiple balls, feasting, and parades. This celebrating comes to an end this Tuesday, Fat Tuesday (which is literally Mardi Gras). Wednesday begins the season of Lent, an honest look at who we are and Who God is. Learning from our friends in other churches, Disciples join in the tradition of receiving ashes, a sign of penance and our limitation in creation. Our service of ashes is at 6:30 next Wednesday.
(And as you know, another tradition with ecclesial origins, St. Valentines Day, is also February 14. Those planning a gathering or a dinner will have time either before or after the service.)
First Sunday of Lent, February 18
As noted this past Sunday (Feb 3), the primal structure of things seems to be order followed by dis-order. The scriptures are very aware that life often is unfair and cruel. Lent is the time to say this upfront and out-load beginning with Genesis. In Genesis 8-9 God intentionally brings dis-order and de-struction. Lent is the time, the church is the place to lay it all out. So we’re going there!
Together this Lenten season let’s “run downhill,” straight ahead, and full speed into the mysteries of dis-order.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Tom