Tom was born in Texas, raised in the Christian Church (Disciples), and is a proud Cleburne High fightin' Yellow Jacket. Due to the intervention of an interim minister, Amos Myers, in his high school years, Tom set out for Phillips University in 1969 to prepare for pastoral ministry. Four years later, he followed Dr. Lee Keck, a Disciple New Testament professor, to Atlanta, GA's Candler School of Theology. At that precise moment Candler (a United Methodist school) was upgrading its faculty and Tom found himself among a wealth of outstanding professors, drinking from the fire hose.
At the end of two years, Tom took take a semester of clinical pastoral education at Grady Hospital in the heart of Atlanta. The training center for Emory Medical School, Grady treats the poor and specializes in trauma. For three months Tom was privileged to be among “the least of these” and those passing through the shadow of death. It remains a powerful life event.
Fortified with both the chaplaincy exeperience, and a class from a preaching professor back in Enid, Tom felt semi-prepared for a church appointment. The first seven years began at Chapel Christian outside Winder, GA, a semi-rural community. The second was a seven-year associate ministry at First Christian Church, Huntsville, AL (among NASA engineers). The third was shepherding the venerable Atlanta First Christian Church for fifteen. Then following respite years in church-related non-profits, Tom also served First Christian Church, Griffin, GA part-time for another ten years.
Along the way Tom was married for 30 years, helped raise three adult children, and makes trips back east to check in with them plus two grandchildren. As a vintage Cleburne Yellow Jacket, Tom maintains a daily walking and exercise routine. The last two years he has “virtually” walked the length of Route 66 and back (4,896 miles). Besides interim responsibilities, Tom is slowly assembling historical family pictures and accounts to preserve, publish, and pass on to family. Talking about old stories, he enjoys gathering with friends from both high school and college. When he has to, he does a little cooking and loves his cast iron skillets.

Kristi joined our staff in November 2005. Her primary responsibilities include office administration, maintaining/coordinating the church calendar, publishing the bi-weekly newsletter and the weekly worship bulletins, maintaining membership records and various other duties.
Kristi was born in Enid Oklahoma and has lived in Moore most of her life. She joined First Christian Church, Moore, in December 1997. Her two children, Cody and Kayleigh are also members.
Kristi enjoys being an active member of the choir and Hand Bell Choir and is involved with our Wednesday afternoon LOGOS Ministry.

Andrea Hanson is a native Oklahoman who completed her Master of Music degree at Oklahoma City University before embarking upon a long and successful classical singing career. She lived 20 years in Europe where she performed in many major opera houses, such as Dresden, Munich and Florence. She has sung over eighty roles in opera, operetta, and musical theater, and has a performed concert repertoire of over 60 major oratorios, masses, and cantatas in countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Austria. For nine years, she was Associate Professor of Music at Carnegie Mellon University’s conservatory program in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ms. Hanson has now made Oklahoma her home once again – where she has returned to be close to her family.
Andrea has been a member of the Christian Church – Disciples of Christ her whole life. She was church organist at Tahlequah First Christian Church for seven years during her college studies. She then became the Music Director at Capitol Hill Christian Church in Oklahoma City for another seven years during her graduate studies. She also led a choir of 14 members in Florence Italy where all of the members of the group were professional American opera singers who lived in Europe. During this tenure the choir enjoyed many engagements singing American choral standards in both the sacred and secular repertoire. When Andrea moved back to Oklahoma City she became the Traditional Service Music Director at Southern Hills Christian Church where she led the choir, the bells and the youth in making music for 10 years.
Since returning to this area, she has naturally been in demand as both a performer and teacher. Ms. Hanson maintains an abundant home studio where she teaches voice to the novice as well as the professional. She is delighted to now make her home at First Christian Church of Moore and is looking forward to great musical happenings at our church.

Candice Cox joined our staff May 21, 2006. She has served as a church pianist for more than forty years.
Candice plays for all worship services, and also a member of our Hand Bell Choir.
Her primary employment is as a paralegal.

My passion is working with young children and I have over 20 years' experience in the field.
I graduated with honors from the University of Central Oklahoma Master's of Science degree program in Family and Child Studies. I taught at Oklahoma City Community College as an adjunct instructor for 13 years in the Child Development program. Since 2015, I have worked with the Exceptional Family Members Program for the United States Air Force and Navy to provide respite care to families who have children with special needs.
I enjoy spending time with my children and animals and my hobbies are arts and crafts and reading.

Jenna has an associates degree in Early Childhood Education and a Bachelor’s degree in Child Psychology and Interdisciplinary Studies. Having worked in the preschool and kindergarten classroom for many years, Jenna brings more than just teaching experience to First Christian Church as her professional talents include marketing, advertising, and extensive community based non profit work. Her passion is to serve others-especially those who often go unnoticed.
The daughter of a Lutheran Minister, Jenna's childhood was centered around the church. She later had the unique opportunity to join her father in serving his congregation as the Superintendent of Sunday School for over 12 years. Together with her husband and three children they moved to Oklahoma last year.
Jenna's husband, Justin is a proud Moore Public School teacher, her family has greatly enjoyed embracing Oklahoma life and they feel strongly that God guided them to FCC Moore. She knows first hand the impact a church can have on a child’s heart and mind. Jenna is thrilled to be a part of supporting and empowering local youth to serve, experience and enjoy God's love.
A special needs parent advocate, devoted wife and loving mother of three children, Jenna mostly does laundry in her spare time but dreams of someday having time to travel, bake and learn to quilt . She loves to be home with her family and two pug dogs.