From The Workshop
FROM THE WORKSHOP As that famous theologian, Jerry Lee Lewis, sings, “Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on!”
- This Sunday, September 15, our guest is Rev. Terry Ewing, Vice President of Advancement at Phillips Seminary. Terry, as he likes to be called, is a Phillips graduate and has served in Disciple higher education for decades, yet remaining vibrant and “advancing.” He will have a table in the foyer with Phillips information and updates. He is ready to answer questions (like where are all the seminary grad’s!). He’ll also be in the worship service with some good news about Phillips and preside at the table. Welcome Rev. Terry Ewing!
- This year’s stewardship focus, “A Future With Hope,” is coming in October. It started out “as usual” with a catchy theme, but then came the scripture, Jeremiah 29. Things got deep. Jeremiah is a collection of visions and warnings to the southern kingdom, Judah. Chapter 29 provides hope but it’s in the midst of distress. Jeremiah says to Jerusalem “business as usual” isn’t working. And isn’t this familiar?–holding things together, then “something” blows up? If this sounds like part of your life, you’re right! Who knew that a prophet from 3000 years ago could connect with our depths? So our stewardship month is going with this flow:
- October 13, “Old Normal,” Hope as holding things together
- October 20, “BAM!” destruction comes “out of the blue” and everything is blown away
- October 27, “New Normal,” and a renewal of hope
Stay tuned. It’s going to be real!
- Holy Cow is coming! With the blessing of the elders, and unanimous board approval, we are on our way to partnering with Holy Cow Consulting. This long-time group helps groups like Disciples understand who we are today. Their primary tool is a Church Assessment Tool (CAT), a survey that goes out to every adult church member. It contains multiple questions to gauge our aspirations, beliefs, and experiences. To quote Elizabeth Hamilton (who will come on site to interpret it, “The CAT can be so helpful with building understanding. . . . It will reveal what is needed to be a ready church for their next pastor and what a good clergy fit could look like. We condense it and say that the CAT does three things: helps us be a ready church, understand a good fit with our next clergy, and (gives) a running start when our pastor is in place.”
While those things are going on, I will also be at work with the leadership behind the scenes to clarify some of our church’s structure, history, and expectations. Of special interest is how we can learn from the past, clean up some clutter, and pull together.
All this to say that I am very pleased that we are at this point. There’s a lot we have to learn about who Moore First Christian Church is today, and into the future.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Tom