From The Workshop
Holy Cow, it’s November. The citizen part of us has either mailed our ballot or stood in line. The “holiday” commercials are revving up, baseball is over, and football teams are sorting out their seasons.
Here in the church things are hopping.
- “A Future With Hope,” our stewardship drive, continues to collect our estimate cards (just mail it to the church or bring it Sunday). Don Blanding is sending out an electronic update this week.
- Look for your Holy Cow, all-church survey in your email this week. More below.
- Our Veterans Day recognition is this Sunday, November 10. It’s a chance to recognize our veterans during the service. Vets, bring a picture of your service days for the display table in the narthex.
- We have an all-church Thanksgiving dinner after worship on Sunday, November 17th. Bring a side dish or dessert to share.
- And after Thanksgiving, you know what’s coming! Advent begins Sunday, December 1.
Holy Cow! . . .
is headed to your email this week. Our personal consultant, Elizabeth Hamilton, worked with me (Pastor Tom) to tailor the 102-question survey uniquely for us. For example, when it refers to the present minister, it knows I am the “interim pastor.” It asks multiple questions about your church experience because it wants your opinion (and it’s anonymous!). The survey is built specifically to help the search team. It has questions about our readiness to reach the community. It has questions about our financial life as we look ahead.
Filling out this survey is vital for today and for the future. As the “Future With Hope” has taught us, we have to face where we are so that we can partner with the Living God for a re-newed future. For a church our size (a little over 100 individuals/families) we have to have 65 completed surveys. We can easily do this, but more is better. Can we complete 85? Maybe 95? What would be an incentive? When asked this question on Sunday, the elders had a great response: “Cut time off the sermon!”
So here’s the challenge: for every survey over 65, I will cut one minute off the sermon November 24
- 75 surveys is 10 minutes off the sermon on November 24
- 80 surveys is 15 minutes off ” “
- 85 surveys is 20 minutes off ” “
- 85+ will spill over into December 1
So let’s have some fun! And let’s build a foundation for “A Future With Hope.”
See you Sunday,
Pastor Tom