“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” said Jesus in Matthew 19:14. We believe that children of all ages are a gift and treasure from God, and they are to be taught and raised up to know just how much they are loved.
Through our programs throughout the year, children learn how the Bible fits into their lives, how to talk to God, and what it means to be a lifelong follower of Jesus. Children take the gospel to heart, building a foundation – and often, friendships – that last for the rest of their lives. Any of our greeters would be happy to direct you and your children to the right place.
Sunday School
We provide age appropriate classes for our children, youth and adults every Sunday morning, beginning at 9:30am.
The crafts are always fun, the lessons and discussion are always lively and God is always glorified. Ask your greeter as you enter where the class that suits you best is located.
Children’s Church
Our Sunday morning service is open to all, even kids! While we would love to have all children join us in Sunday morning worship, we understand that they may be able to learn more in a different environment. That is why we offer Children’s Church immediately following Children’s Moment towards the beginning of our service.
This program can provide a more age-appropriate place for your kids to learn! If you have any questions, the greeter at the front of the church would love to give you more information so you and your child can make the right decision for you!
For children ages birth to 4, we provide a nursery located on the east side of the building where they can engage in safe play during Sunday School and Worship time