From the Workshop
FROM THE WORKSHOP Almost here. Advent is all about anticipation, waiting, lighting candles along the way, and noticing that “preparing” has been going on a long time.
Now two women are singing. They and some angels are taking over the spotlight. Elizabeth, the older woman expecting her first born (John) is singing a celebration of Mary’s coming to visit. And Mary will reply with another song:
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things.
In the longest infancy narrative in the New Testament, Luke underpins Jesus’ story and John’s story with memories of other miraculous births (Isaac born to the older Sarah, Samuel to Hanna.) These are foundational hope stories. And Mary’s singing is a script straight out of the prophets, what God has done, what God is doing now. The familiar prophetic themes are living again–the overpowering rulers will be brought down, the humble and hungry will be lifted up. The fulfillment of these words is going on now!
When we gather to celebrate the coming of the Christ, we are continuing God’s promises: supporting a home for homeless youth (Bridges), collecting blankets/batteries for older veterans in Clinton’s VA Home; the “Best Gifts” tree in the narthex has multiple life-changing gifts to our international neighbors (again direct support through the churches in those countries); and the narthex collection box of warm coats & clothing for community families.
And one more. Come carol with our home-bound members this Sunday, Dec 22 after church. We join Elizabeth and Mary in singing!
See you Sunday, and Christmas Eve!
Pastor Tom