From The Workshop
Here we are, 2025. There’s Sunday classes and services this weekend as usual. Then next Saturday, January 18 Elizabeth Hamilton*, our Holy Cow interpreter will be with us to go over our CAT results. I think Elizabeth is the best thing since sliced bread. She is faithful, insightful, and full of energy. She will bring a report titled “Vital Signs” that is customized for us from our surveys.
Digging deeper, the basic survey (CAT) was tailored for First Christian to gather members’ responses in these areas:
- Pastoral transition — In this time between pastors, a specific set of questions gauge how the congregation feels during the transition and our thoughts about the future direction of the church.
- Critical abilities — measures what the congregation believes are the most important abilities for the future pastor.
- Stewardship — Our candid responses to our stewardship efforts supporting our mission and ministries. And estimates of our giving capacity.
- Missional module — This measures to whom, where, and how we respond to the people and needs of our community. And our energy levels for serving.
As you can see, there is focus both on the strengths needed in the next pastor, and on the congregation’s clarity and strengths today. As Holy Cow says, “Today, there are basically two kinds of congregations: 1. those with leaders who have clarity about who they are, what they are called to do, and how well they are doing it, and 2. those who do not.”
Again, thinking of this as a checkup with our doctor, at the end of Sat, January 18 we will have more clarity of who we are. And we will have more clarity on what is visible and invisible inside our community.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Tom
*Believe it or not, Holy Cow is doing another interpretation on Sunday, January 19, at Grace Episcopal Church in Ponca City! We’ll have to ask Elizabeth if it’s a “two-fer” weekend!