From the Workshop
FROM THE WORKSHOP Sunday was a good day with Dr Jerry Black leading the service, bringing the message; Andrea and the choir and Praise Team directing our singing. Thank you to elders, deacons, deaconesses, security, sound, and acolytes for your steadfastness. One of the things reinforced by our recent survey is how well we pull together, especially in our worship. This Sunday our pulpit guest is Randy Kuss, our interim regional minister. The following week Jenna takes her turn with Jerry returning for the last Sunday in February.
March 5 is Ash Wednesday. News of the service to follow.
March 2, Transfiguration Sunday, begins our 2025 Pastors’ Class co-led by Dr. Black, Pastor Tom, and Jenna who knows our youth like a map. The first class focuses on God, followed by Jesus on March 9, the Holy Spirit/Church March 16, Baptism on March 23 plus three more to take us up to Easter Sunday and baptism for all who are ready for that commitment. The class will meet at the Sunday School hour. Let Jenna know or call Kristi in the office to confirm your place.
And the much-referenced Holy Cow results will be highlighted for the congregation at a fellowship meal in March to be determined.
The Church Mouse
(filling in while Pastor Tom is out)